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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Can I subscribe to my local webhosting services instead?
  2. Does it require a lot of constant work - i.e, sending tons of stuff to search engines, lots of spam email and all that?

  1. Can I subscribe to my local webhosting services instead?
    In building an internet business, you want to spend time to build your business. You don't want to spend too much time building web pages. If you are capable of building web pages easily and quickly, that would be fine. Otherwise, it would be better to invest in a hosting solution that enables you to build a professionally designed website quickly and easily. It might cost more per month, but it saves you lots of time especially if you are not good and building impressive looking websites. Approach 2 of my online guide ( ) uses such a user-friendly and powerful website design and hosting package. It has a powerful online editor that extremely user-friendly and easy to learn. Moreover, you can try it out for free for 7 days, and if you don't like it, just leave it alone and the site will expire. If you like it, all you need is to activate it with your credit card and proceed to buy your domain name.
    In the present internet world, most web addresses can be typed as either " " or " ". If your website address can only be recognised by having to type the additional "www" in " ", your website would suffer a slight disadvantage on the Internet when you are promoting your website as most people now don't bother to type in the "www" of your website address and may think that your website is not available or a wrong address. Take for example. I could be wrong but when I type in my browser " ", I get a page saying that the page cannot be displayed. Try it out and see.
    When you choose a hosting provider, look for one that is reliable and has a robust service uptime for your website. Otherwise, when the traffic to your website increases tremendously, your website may have trouble serving the internet traffic. Depending on what you plan to do with your website, your choice of webhosting provider should be able to provide you a long-term support with the necessary features to enable you to include new features in your website as it grows.
    For example, the hosting provider in Approach 1 of my online guide ( ) provides almost every feature every webmaster wishes to have for only US$24.95 a month - website hosting, unlimited pop email, unlimited databases, unlimited autoresponders, snap-in scripts like forums, chatrooms, image gallery, surveys, affiliate program support and more. At US$24.95 a month, this is a unbeatable deal compared with many other hosting providers. The only thing about this hosting is that you probably need to be a little web savvy to know how to use the features. You can also get a friend who is a webmaster to help you out on your website. You can read more about the features at 
    Of course if you are thinking of duplicating exactly what I'm doing, any of the approach that I've described in my guide can be used. Approach 3 is the cheapest but it only provides hosting, and you'll have to have your own web development tools and be familiar with using FTP to upload your web pages. It's not as friendly and powerful as the first two approaches but it will be sufficient for a amatuer webmaster.
    As for comparing local hosting companies and U.S. hosting companies, I personally prefer U.S. overseas companies. Although I have to pay a little more, but I have all the features I need and whenever these companies add new features to their hosting offers, I get them free of charge. I'm not sure about how Malaysia's hosting providers work, but Singapore's hosting providers are also cheap but they are not suitable for my long-term plan. For the choice of providers, you have to compare and convince yourself which one to use. Of course, you don't necessary have to use the hosting providers in my guide to do the business although I recommend them because I've used them myself and know that it works well for me.


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  2. Does it require a lot of constant work - i.e, sending tons of stuff to search engines, lots of spam email and all that?

    It depends on what you mean by "lots of work". Would you consider the effort as "lots of work" if you could automate it? For example, instead of submitting to search engines one-by-one, I could purchase a software that submits automatically and intelligently for me every day on a scheduled time, where I won't need to be around to supervise nor monitor. Is this also considered as "lots of work"?

    My own testimony is that I don't think I've been putting in a lot of time and effort now as compared to when I was trying to learn the ropes by trial and error. But through the process, I found out that not every promotion tip that was published on the Internet actually works. Nevertheless, having gone through the stages, I am now really earning a small passive income (US$200-$400 a month) on a monthly basis. For me, my plan now is to strategise to bring my website business into the next level where my monthly income should reach the range of thousands. With the experience that I've gained, one approach is to teach and help others to take this path which I've taken - not a really ambitious one, but one with a steady approach to building a passive income stream.
    Let me share with you what I've experienced in website promotion that worked and did not work for me. Some others may disagree with my opinion, but that's ok as this is my own experience and others may have a different experience.
    Email Spamming via "Opt-in" Mailing Lists - hardly works.
    - Have tried this at the early stages of my website promotion. Spent quite a bit of money on this too. Didn't work out for me. When I check the website traffic logs, most of the traffic came from search engines: about 40% from Yahoo, 20% from Google and 20% from MSN. The rest are not worth mentioning.
    Email to friends and known contacts - depends
    - When I announced the launch of my website to my friends and known contacts, the results were not as expected. I found out much later because I asked them if they have visited my website. Sheepishly, they apologised and gave different excuses. End of the day - only one or two actually visited my website.
    Submission to FFA (Free For All) websites - hardly works.
    - I guess by now no one really cares about FFA sites, especially search engines. Most of the FFA sites are ignored by search engines so if your website is linked from these sites, they probably won't contribute to your link popularity in the search engines.
    Submission to major search engines - this works if your page is well optimized.
    - This is one step that I'm consistently doing. If I were to submit manually, it's a lot of work. However, I automated the process by using a reknowned software known as WebPositionGold Pro. The software is quite expensive, in the range of two - three hundred dollars. However, it's worth the investment and I have bought and used the software to optimize my website as well as to automate the submission process.
    - Another method that I find especially useful for beginning websites is to pay for guaranteed search inclusion for the first two years or so. For a couple of hundred dollars, you pay the company to submit to search engines on your behalf on a monthly basis, and they guarantee your page to be listed in the search engine. The flip side to this is that there is no guarantee on which page would you be listed in the search engines. Reason: If you can't get your website into the first three pages of a search phrase result, your website is unlikely to be visited. Therefore, web page optimization is a important step in website promotion.
    Website Link Exchange - Works well if...
    - Doing link exchange with websites of relevant themes does help boost traffic to your websites. This is the concept that Google Adsense work on, and there are people who are earning about US$100 a month purely using the Google Adsense program. This is a different program altogether so I will not dwell on this here.
    Participation in relevant web forums - Effective when you establish yourself as an expert in the community
    - This is what is exactly happening as a relationship between you and me. You saw my posts, decided that it's worth it to find out more, write to me, and here we go...
    - This is extremely effective as you can have one-to-one communication on the subject concern. In sales, they propagate one-on-one interaction because it's most personal and the salesman can adapt to meet the customer's real needs.
    Participation in free classified ads of other websites - Depends on your luck
    - This really depends whether there is a need at the point in time when you place your ads, and how relevant and attractive it is to the reader.
    Traditional methods of promotion
    - Distributing flyers all over the place - low effectiveness
    - Placing the flyers at a friend's shop or counter where human traffic is high - quite good
    - Postal mail drops - expensive and no guarantee of effectiveness
    That's about it for now. To a certain extent, the beginning always require a bit of effort. But it doesn't take the whole day. If your budget is around US$250 a year, the second approach ( ) could save you a lot of time because building a page is a matter of less than 15 minutes. The good thing is once it gets rolling, it takes less and less effort to keep it rolling. Think about it.

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